5 Summer Learning Activities to Keep Your Brain Sharp

Summer learning activities are a great way to keep kids engaged and learning throughout summer vacation. Not only will these activities help to keep young people entertained, but they’ll also keep their minds sharp and their skills honed.

Learning activities aren’t just for children, though. Adults can benefit from a little learning over the summer as well. Here are 5 summer learning activities for the entire family to enjoy.

5 Summer Learning Activities You Must Try

1. Reading

Reading is one of the best ways to keep your mind sharp. When you read, you’re not only exercising your mind, but you’re also improving your vocabulary and enhancing your writing skills.

In fact, many of the world’s best writers claim that you must be an avid reader to be a good writer.

Reading doesn’t have to be a chore, though. Try to make reading fun by picking out books that are engaging and entertaining to read. You can also read with someone else, which will make the activity more enjoyable.

On average, Americans read 12 books per year.

But this figure is inflated by avid book readers who often aim to read a book a week. There’s also 25% of the adult population that hasn’t read a book at all in the past year.

Not an avid book reader or looking for a book to pique your interest?

Goodreads has great lists of the top books in the last year that span virtually every genre.

2. Gardening

Gardening is a great summer activity for people of all ages. Not only will gardening help you to get some fresh air and enjoy the summer weather, but it will also give you the opportunity to learn more about plants and how they grow.   

When you’re gardening, think about what you’re doing. 

  • • What are you planting? 
  • • How does the plant grow? 
  • • Why does it need certain nutrients? 

By thinking about the answers to these questions, you’ll be able to learn a lot while you’re gardening.

3. Online Tutoring and Courses

Summer learning doesn’t need to be informal, although it can be. A lot of people, especially those in college and in the latter years of high school, will seek out online tutoring services to either:

  • • Catch up on subjects that they feel they’re weak in or
  • • Get a jumpstart on the material they’ll be learning in the fall.\

Online tutoring can be a very effective way to make sure that you’re using the summer wisely to advance yourself.

And if you don’t want to go to such a formal course, there are plenty of online courses that you can join, from art classes to writing and more. If you stay active, even if it’s less demanding than in a school environment, you’ll be better prepared for learning once the summer is over.

Of course, don’t make summer learning the only thing you do on break.

Spend time having fun and connecting with friends, too. The summer can be used to relax and get back into the learning groove after a hard school year.

4. Cooking 

Cooking is another great summer learning activity. You’ll have the opportunity to enjoy a delicious meal, and you can also learn more about how food is prepared. 

When you’re cooking, focus on the different ingredients that you’re using. What do they look like? What do they smell like? What do they taste like? What are they made of? 

By focusing on the ingredients, you’ll be able to learn more about each item.

If you’re working with kids, you can take this time to turn cooking into math:

  • • Ask the child how to halve the recipe and/or
  • • Teach the child about units of measurement.

You’ll also be learning, or teaching, a life skill that will last a lifetime. Cooking is a skill that a person can continue mastering and learning their entire life.

5. Sports 

Summer is the perfect time to play some sports. You’ll have some fun, enjoy the warm weather, and learn more about different sports.

When you’re learning about sports, focus on the different skills you need to play the sport. What skills does a tennis player need to know? What about a baseball player? By focusing on the different skills, you’ll be able to learn more about each sport.

Score keeping can help younger kids with math, but sports are a great resource for teaching valuable skills like time management, cooperation and teamwork, persistence, and the practice of handling both successes and failures, too.  

Plus, when you play sports, you’ll be staying physically active which is important during the summer months. A lot of people spend the summer watching television or playing video games, but playing sports is better, overall, for both your physical and mental health.

Summer learning is always a great way to keep your memory and learning skills sharp. Whether you decide to enroll in online summer school or pick up a new hobby, you’ll be better prepared for the coming school year.

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